We just wrapped up a Summer of student day camps. July and August were extremely busy months for everyone in the Education department- from the interns up to the department director!

Over the years, our Summer Student Programs have become a reunion of sorts with many familiar smiling faces we may not see too often during the school year. Some students we saw for their last summer as they graduate out of the age range of our day-camps and some students began their summer tradition with us for the first time.

We made wind chimes and weavings, puppets and paintings, metal tooling and plastic bottle boats. We explored ancient aztec culture, contemporary Mexican culture, and concepts of recycling and creative re-use. We dove deep into the ocean for science and STEM connections through a variety of games and activities. Even character building lessons found their way into our discussions and crafts as we learned what it means to be resilient, work together, and try new things.

Our inspiration comes from many things either from the museum vault or prize winning children's books but our goal is always the same: to educate the children in our community and open their eyes to new things from our past and present that might aid them toward a brighter future. By sharing our enthusiasm for the beautiful artwork, culture, and amazing things our big and varied world has to offer we hope to instill a similar appreciation in our students and in all the people who are touched by the OJAC and our programs. 


-Molly Gore Merck

Education Coordinator