As we sit on the brink of celebrating 40 years of the Old Jail Art Center, it is hard for me to imagine Albany without this gem.  The Old Jail Art Center has been so important to me during the 25 plus years I have lived in Albany.  Never dreaming that I would one day have the privilege to work in this wonderful museum and surround myself with the beauty of art each and every day.  I served as a board member and docent in my early years of living in Albany; I developed a love for the arts and how the museum was a focal point of my small west Texas hometown. 

In August 2018, I was honored to begin a journey of being part of this great staff and work with the development and membership of the OJAC.  What a fantastic opportunity each and everyday to realize the joy and amusement this museum brings not only to Albany, the surrounding area but also to all of Texas.  I love the shock of visitors, as they enter the museum not knowing what they will find within the walls.  I love the fact that people are so surprised to find a Klee, Renoir and Picasso that are hang on the walls of this small treasure. 

I enjoy the work of promoting the OJAC and Albany throughout our region and Texas.  Our membership is widespread and diverse in the knowledge of the arts, which makes the museum so strong from the standpoint of interest.

The development of a museum is interesting and challenging.  Small towns are attracting a new wave of tourism, a sense of rural coolness is emerging and tourists and visitors are starting to visit small towns for the art.   This is really increasing economic development for a town such as Albany. 

 Heralded by Texas Monthly Magazine as “the best small town museum in the state --- maybe the nation,” we strive to be “one of the best museums” period.  I am grateful to be a part of this great museum and as the OJAC celebrates 40 years in 2020, I look forward to the future of the Old Jail Art Center. 

This week the calendar rolls over and 2020 is introduced.  What an exciting year at the OJAC!!  The museum will celebrate 40 years this year and on March 28, 2020 the lights will be shining as the red carpet is rolled out for the Piano Man and a gala celebration.  A new year brings hope, excitement and promises for individuals as well as the museum.

This milestone in the life of the OJAC reminds us of the individuals that had the vision of the small limestone building.   Reilly Nail, Bill Bomar and their mothers would be so proud of what the museum is today.   They had a vision that has endured droughts, fires, financial set backs and hard ships but the museum has thrived because of the members and supporters that have been steadfast and committed to the mission of this outstanding museum.   I personally think of all the individuals that have sat on the board, served as a docent, as well as staff members, directors and all the ones that have countless volunteer hours to keep the doors open and the lights on.   The walls of the museum are strong and well adorned with the most beautiful art.   I am so proud of the achievements of the Old Jail Art Center and the many different groups served through the education department, adult programs, docent programs, membership and visitors at large.

Happy New Year to all of you and Happy 40th Birthday to the OJAC!!  It is going to be a magical year. 

-Susan Montgomery, Development and Membership Coordinator