Patrick Kelly, Executive Director and Curator of Exhibitions

Amy Kelly, Collections Manager and Associate Curator 

Erin Whitmore, Director of Education

Stephanie Swaim, Family and Public Programs Coordinator

Dylan Wells, Student and Teacher Programs Coordinator

Molly Sauder, Archivist and Librarian

Membership Coordinator  

Kellie Bellah, Admin. and Visitor Services Associate                

*select any staff member above to contact them directly.

OJAC:  325.762.2269

OJAC Education Department: 325.762.2936



Austin Sherwood, Chair     

Steve Waller, Immediate Past Chair  

Glenn A. Picquet, Vice-Chair

Dan A. Neff, Treasurer

Betsy Senter, Secretary


G. Wade Caldwell

Lee Hallman

John E. Dudley

Jay Hardaway

Louisa Musselman Fikes

Brittney Harmon

Jennifer Marshall 

Lauren McCarthy

Mac McGinnis 

Doris E. Miller

Hank Paup

Lynne Teinert

Pam Tidwell 

Kate Scully Wells

Jill Wilkinson                                







Jay L. Clack            

James H. Cotter                                      

Kate Ferguson                        

Jane Hooker                            

Jon Rex Jones

Pati Jones                                                  

Patti Jones                  

Jeremy Nail           

Diana Nail                                                                

Betsy Parsons                                                          

Sally Blanton Porter

Tamberley Thomas

Tamara Trail

James H. Waller

Steve Waller

William B. Wright   







OJAC Board Members, Staff, and Friends with collection piece, 'Der Weg Ins Blaue" by Paul Klee at the Tate Modern in London for the opening of 'Paul Klee-Making Visible', 2013.

OJAC Board Members, Staff, and Friends with collection piece, 'Der Weg Ins Blaue" by Paul Klee at the Tate Modern in London for the opening of 'Paul Klee-Making Visible.’