Born in Fort Worth, TX, George Grammer (1928-2019) stayed close to home when he enrolled in the art program at Texas Weslyan College. This proved to be an impactful decision, because it was there that he was taught by Kelly Fearing. Under Fearing’s mentorship, Grammer became the youngest member of the highly influential Fort Worth Circle artists of the 1940s and 50s. Grammer continued his education at the Art Students League in New York—becoming a full-time NY resident in 1957. Though he lived in New York for the rest of his life, Grammer remained strongly connected to friends and artists back in Texas.

Early on, Grammer was well-known for his abstracted paintings of oil derricks at night that dotted the open plains of Texas. Later, influenced by his new urban surroundings, he moved to more painterly views of apartments, offices, and businesses that lined the streets of New York. Vertical Skyline and Big City Canyon, both in the OJAC’s collection, offer a unique view of the city as seen from the artist’s personal perspective. Grammer painted what he saw, capturing the immense scale of skyscrapers and their architectural variety with simple dabs of paint. In both paintings, Grammer includes a vertical sliver of sky, in hues of blue or blue/grey, offering subtle clues as to time of day or night. It’s interesting to note that Grammer depicts only the buildings and sky in such a populated city. In doing so, he leaves the viewer to imagine the diverse stories of the city’s inhabitants.

George Grammer passed away just one year ago, on May 20, 2019. It is fitting to remember not only our talented friend, but also all those who today inhabit his beloved New York City—those who continue to endure the tremendous physical, emotional, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Amy Kelly, Registrar



Vertical Skyline, c. 1960         

Oil on Masonite

Gift of Bill Bomar



Big City Canyon, c. 1960

Oil on Masonite

Bequest of Bill Bomar known as the Jewel Nail Bomar and William P. Bomar Jr. Collection


