There are still many unknowns at this summers end, and these are certainly felt by the museum Education Department. Although we feel fully equipped, resourced and supported, it is a moment of transition with more variables than we can plan around. In short, I feel we have a complete tool-kit, but no instruction sheet.

We don’t know when we will be able to safely offer tangible interactives in our galleries again. We are unsure when our physical school outreach can safely take place. We know we must wait before encouraging visitors to gather again for studio workshop, guided tours or lectures. Large events such as Exhibition Receptions or Family Festivals are currently on hold. We watch and wait for answers and a return to a version of past norms.

However, early on my team and I choose to view this new reality as a creative opportunity for both programming and interpretation. A time to rethink before we restart. What programs could use a makeover and which should be let go? How can we enrich and create engagement for collections and exhibitions our membership may not view in person? What new initiatives could we take in this moment? How might we continue to inspire curiosity and dialogue from outside of our walls?

These questions have inspired video tours and playlists, virtual studio sessions and a mobile app, as well as free weekly craft kits for families. We hope that you, your family and friends have been able to enjoy some or all of the above.

While I am sad for the circumstance that initially inspired it, I am proud of our work thus far, optimistic for the season ahead and excited to see what new and meaningful experiences our museum can continue to provide for us all!

Please stay tuned!

Erin Whitmore, Education Director