Schlunky Geraniums, n.d. BRIAN NIEBAUER. Oil on canvas.1993.073

Schlunky Geraniums, n.d. BRIAN NIEBAUER. Oil on canvas.1993.073


Standard Definition:

● Unimpressive; Not thriving

Modern Definition:

● A situation which turned out surprisingly well/ great

In his last year, many of us have felt like these geraniums – a little worn and stressed. Like this plant, many of us need a bit of “TLC,” and the light of a brighter day. But Spring is approaching and with it, the promise of new beginnings! A time of hope when difficulties ease and good things return. My hope for you is a Schlunky Spring, in combination of both old and modern definitions. Something less than optimal- that turned surprisingly wonderful. To start it off, I suggest an afternoon at the OJAC to escape the routine, experience some beauty and refresh your soul.

Susan Montgomery, Membership and Development Coordinator