One of our current favorites in the museum giftshop is the children’s book “Musicians of the Sun” by author Gerald McDermott.

The story, inspired by Aztec-folklore- tells the tale of the deity Tezcatlipoca, who sends the musicians of the Sun down to Earth to make things more joyful and colorful there!

Examining the book’s beautiful illustrations, (created in acrylic fabric paint, opaque ink and oil pastel on paper handmade in Mexico) I noticed direct resemblance between many of its characters and figures of our current exhibit, Ancient Americas in a New Light .

The exhibit, on view through August 20th, showcases a variety of artifacts from over 30 Central and South American ethnic groups- including pre and post-Aztec vessels, effigies, tools, jewelry and musical instruments.

One case is specifically devoted to musical figures and ancient instruments such as rattles, whistles, flutes and drums!

In fact, our Museum Educators have been sharing this special story to our younger visitors in the galleries this month, followed by videos of traditional music performances, then crafting a musical vessel of their own.

Our team highly recommends the book as post-visit educational enrichment for children ages 5-10, as well as an souvenir that can be enjoyed time and time again!

Pick up your copy today after exploring our exhibit, or purchase it in our online giftshop below!

Kellie Bellah

Visitor Services Associate