On second Tuesdays, escape from the office at lunch-hour to enjoy artful videos and conversation at the museum!

Bring your brown bag lunch and join us at noon. Beverages and light dessert provided. 

Videos range from arts and culture documentaries, to blockbusters with an art-historical twist! 

This month, take a trip! Experience a unique, behind the scenes look at New York City’s MOMA, the Museum of Modern Art. Interpret for yourself the thousands of works on display with the same questions the curators ask themselves, “What makes it ‘modern’?” and “What makes it art?” Experience the wonder and excitement in the voices of the docents and curators as you go on a private tour through the eras and genres of modern art.

“It’s an extraordinary opportunity to recognize that art is not something that ended a hundred years ago, but that it’s vital and alive today.”