**Please note change of date for this month's Studio, taking place Tuesday, Nov. 15th.

Each Third Thursday, Adult visitors are invited to "try-out" a new art medium (from paint to clay, stained glass, weaving, welding, encaustic..just to name a few.)

Participants create with an experienced art educator in a fun and laid-back workshop environment. BYOB!

This month, bring your favorite bottle of wine or beverage, invite your friends, and enjoy step-by-step instruction in brush lettering and calligraphy!

Learn to use both a brush pen and watercolor to create hand-lettered signs, cards, and artwork. Participants will take home a finished framed 5X7 watercolor, brush-lettering notebook with practice pages and tips, a Tombow dual brush pen, and all of their practice creations from the class.

$15 members I $20 non-members

All supplies provided

Pay to Register below, or call 325.762.2936

Stay-Home Studio Series Semester Registration
from $60.00